About Us
Clare and Woo discussing vegetables at the allotment.
The Vintage Bazaar is run by me, Clare Powell and my good friend Woo Gilchrist.
We have been partners in crime for many years now and we complement each other. I’m good with the details and Woo comes up with crazy ideas and is the techy one. Together we hope to make the VB even more of a success in 2024 and beyond.
During the 2 years of those unprecedented pandemic times, it was really hard not seeing people in person, as that is a huge part of the VB. Thankfully that is now in the past and we are delighted to be able to hold real life events again.
We also hold a monthly Instagram Virtual Vintage Bazaar, so do follow us on Instagram and watch the hashtag #virtualvintagebazaar.
We can’t wait to see you all!
Clare & Woo